Sunday 26 September 2010

Similarities and Differences between full length trailers and teaser trailers

 Teaser trailers are normally between 30 to 90 seconds in length where as a film trailer can range from 2.30 to 4 minutes, they teaser trailer doesn't give much away and is can be released a long time before the film is released as it is created to promote the film. Where as a full length trailer gives more of the storyline and it realised a couple of weeks before the realised date so that the audience get more of an incite to the film.  In both full length and  teaser trailers there is normally a soundtrack running over the film which relates to the film and can create more tension or create sympathy with the actors. Both of the trailers have the same purpose which is to entice the audience to watch the film so that the production company can get money from the audience. A teaser trailer normally has quick edits as it builds tension about the film, a full length trailer has the chance to put a range of different edits. Both of the trailers features a voice over normally featuring the dialogue of "coming soon". Both the teaser trailer and full length trailer establishes the genre of the film which then also establishes the audience for the film. The main characters are identified in the trailers and some names are given as to incite the audience in to watch the film. Also they certification is given to shows who the film is suitable for. In full length trailers they often include any nominations that the film has recieved.

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