Thursday 30 September 2010

Paranormal activity ...

The first shot is complete darkness which builds tension and gives away the fact that the film may be a horror/thriller. The audience becomes tense and worried about what is going to happen next. The next shot is a the same black screen but with the screen grey fuzzing coming across the screen which gives a shock and makes the audience feel uncertainty

The shot then goes black and the next thing that pops up on the screen is a man flying towards the screen which shocks the audience and then creates tension with in the audience who are watching it. The low key lighting hints that the genre of the film is a horror/thriller. The setting of the film shows that the bed which is shown it is set in a house which means the audience can relate to the film. Also the small clock on the bottom of the screen shows that the filming is that it is an early time in the morning which shows that something is not normal as most people would be sleeping.

After the man flashes up the screen goes back to the screen and flashes up three times which leads the audience anticipating something bad is going to happen and gets them tense. The low key lighting creates a sense of uncertainty, the canted angle makes it feel as if the camera is handheld and makes the audience feel as if they are living in the movie 

The next scene is into a room with a baby in a cot and a dog guarding the baby in the cot. With the audience knowing that there is a baby within the scene as we have a child centred society. The clock is still at the bottom of the screen and it shows the clock is at an earlier time which shows that the trailer is going in reverse which makes the audience wonder what is going on.

 The next screen shows up nothing can prepare you which makes the reader think what is going on and is something going to scare them after. 

The next shot is the same room as the baby in the cot before. There is a strange figure standing in the door which makes the audience worry about the baby in the cot as the dog has gone and the baby is alone so it strikes the aduience that something is going to happen.

The last shot is a name of the film which will make the audience remember the name as it is the last thing that sticks in there head.

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