Saturday 18 September 2010

Dear john

The home page is a pale blue colour which creates a calm mood and links in with the setting that is at the beach. The film is distributed by Sony which is a large company which enables the film to be accessed by a larger audience. You are able to watch the trailer of the home page but you can then enter the site which enables people to get more information from the site.  The icons at the bottom of the page such as the facebook item enables the audience to follow the film and the production of the film on facebook so they feel as more as a part of it. As this film has been released it has links that you are able to buy the DVD straight from the site. The gold writing from the dear can represent that this film is different and a winner.  The quotations on the home page gives the audience peoples opinion which may persuade the audience to watch the film.

The pictures give an incite into the film and enables us to see different settings, There are only two characters within the home page which gives the impression that they are the main characters and are the most important. The special features allows the audience to feel as if they are getting something extra. Also the small print at the bottom gives all the details about the film.

This is the main page it is taken from the film, it is the natural setting which shows that the film is about being natural and "falling in love" the body positioning in the shot shows that the actors are have a relationship because they are comfortable with each other. The music player along the bottom of the page plays the soundtracks which allows the audience to feel part of the film. The colour scheme is very similar to the first page so it creates a strong identity. The links to the other pages are in the bottom right hand corner which doesn't dare attention from the main picture. Also the genre from the film is shown here by the mise en scene of the picture with the male being protective over the female by having his body around the female. Also down the bottom of the page quotes  " what would you do with a letter that changed everything" which is from the film which makes people remember the film.

These page has the pale blue background which follows the conventions of the previous pages. these page has parts from the film that you can read from. It is done in the format of a letter which is part of  the film which will remind the audience of the film. A disadvantage of this website is that the link only takes you to the home page so to click onto the main page you have to go through the whole pages which takes allot of time and may annoy the audience. The bottom of the page looks like the journal that the characters keeps his letters in so it links back to the page. The bottom of the page has the release date which would have shown people when they could have watch the movie.

The last page isn't really relevant to the movie it doesn't follow any of the conventions of the website but it is a link to watch other trailers for similar movies.

This website doesn't have many pages to it and then is basic with the pages that it offers i think that the information on my website will have to have a lot more content and than this website and it should have more pages and all of the pages should link and look similar.

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