Friday 17 September 2010

Resident Evil Afterlife 3D

On the front cover the female is the only person showing that she is main character and is dominant. The shattering glass around the main character shows that she is faced with danger and links back into the genre . The props that she is holding would represent a thriller genre but then the colour scheme is mainly black which co notates mystery. The red writing and the boarder of the box as red co notates danger and can be linked to blood which would link in with the genre of horror which would suggest that the film is a horror/ thriller. The only name that appears on the page is the name of the females and normally there are many actors name on the website which could show that the female is the most famous actor in the film. The writing on the page is sharp it looks like a knife which could link in with the main title as it says about evil. Also they certificate that the film has been given which also helps with the target audience which i believe is young adults from 15 - 30. The sponsors of the film are along the bottom which creates a strong brand identity.
The homepage still carries on with the colour scheme so it creates a strong brand identity, by having the same girl as the first page it creates the thought that she is the main character and that people should pay attention to her as she is important by having her holding guns goes against the stereo typical conventions of a female by being he hero as the female in thrillers are normally the victims. The name is still the same as on the front page as it helps to create a strong identity. The links on the side look as if they are coming from the shattered pieces of glass which links into the genre but it could also be confusing for some people as it may just look like a picture. The certificate is on the page as to reiterate the page that the person must be to watch the film this shows that the scenes in the film may be either scary or unsuitable for some people. The sponsors are also along the bottom of the page to try get the audience to remember their logo.
This is one of the links off the main page, Assault on Umbrella follows the same layout through as the first two pages this enables people to know where to find links on the page as they are familiar with the layout. The colour scheme stays the same on this page which creates the brand identity. Also on this page there is still the theme of smashing glass but on this page there is gun shots as the bullet points which enable you to click on the different links on the left hand side. Also there is links along the bottom which take you to different pages for back to the home page. The female is dressed in a different outfit which is showing a different part of the movie which gets the viewer interested and if they have not watched the film it gets them interested in the film.The title of the page is in the same font as the title of the film which helps to make the brand of the film stick in the readers head. The sponsors are down the bottom of the page again so that the audience get used to seeing the logos so that they subconsciously have the brand in their mind. The certificate is also at the bottom which helps with the same layout.
This page is another link, Search for the survivors has the same layout as the other pages but the picture on this page looks quite calm which may link in with the title of the page as in the person in the boat is looking for survivors this could also show some of the story and that there is some hope within the film. Going against that is the bullet holes in the glass to show that there is still disruption within the film. The name of the film is still written in the same font which create a strong identity. On this slide it shows when the film is being released which allows people to pre book tickets and to build excitement for the film.

The overcome the infected page shows another scene from the film another action scene only the female is not the dominant character in this scene, she is following a male character which would go with the stereo typical representation of a female. The male normally leads the female as they are thought to be "stronger" and more capable to fight. The layout of the page is the same and the pages before which create brand identity the name of the film is in the same place as all the former pages which enables the audience to know exactly where everything on the page is. The sponsors is on the page to make sure they stick in the audiences head. The colour scheme is the same as the previous pages which creates the films identity.
The colour scheme on this page is completely different the page is covered in white which is the opposite which could represent a happy ending within the film or the fact that good overcomes evil. The female is closest to the audience this could show again that she is the main character and linking in with the colour that she is the hero that overcomes the evil. The man in the background looks powerful as he is a thrones and thrones and associated with power which could show that the person on the throne is the evil person along with the dog that is sat beside him shows that he need to be protected. The layout of the page is the same as the other pages this helps the audience as they are now familiar with the website.
The same layout through as the all the pages this enables people to know where to find links on the page as they are familiar with the layout. The colour scheme stays the same on this page which creates the brand identity. Also on this page there is still the theme of smashing glass but on this page there is gun shots as the bullet points which enable you to click on the different links on the left hand side. Also there is links along the bottom which take you to different pages for back to the home page. The female is dressed in a different outfit which is showing a different part of the movie which gets the viewer interested and if they have not watched the film it gets them interested in the film.The title of the page is in the same font as the title of the film which helps to make the brand of the film stick in the readers head. The sponsors are down the bottom of the page again so that the audience get used to seeing the logos so that they subconsciously have the brand in their mind. The certificate is also at the bottom which helps with the same layout. This page is the same as page two only the content is different.

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