Thursday 16 September 2010


As you may have noticed i have chosen blogging to complete my evaluation and to hold all of my work. A blog is type of website that is maintained by someone or a group of people, in this instance this blog will be maintained by me. People will be able to go onto my blog and read all the posts i write, they can also comment on my posts to give me feedback which i feel is important because it is hard to find the faults with a product you have created.
On a blog you can use loads of different ways to put information on you can use pictures and videos in your posts this is also a great advantage as it allows students to show their personality throughout their work.

I chose blogging also because it is an interesting way for people to follow what i am doing, i feel that i can also reflect my personality through my blog and people will be able to feel as if they know me as a person. It gives me the chance to be creative with all the different ways that you can display information. I have also thought of some negative thoughts about blogging not everyone will be able to access the blog easily as some people don't have internet access. I have evaluated the positive and negative points of blogging and i feel that the positive over ride the negatives.

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