Monday 13 December 2010

Film poster mock ups...

 I created three mock ups to see how i should lay out my poster to see what would be the best possible layout for my poster.

The title is at the top of the poster as this will make the title stand out and will be the first thing that people will be drawn to.
The image is in the middle of the page as it is the main focal point on the magazine this will also attract the audience with the actors as they will be on the front page.

The release date of the film on the right hand side as this makes it stand out which will stand out in the audiences mind so that they know when the film is coming out so that they can prebook tickets.

The actors names will be at the bottom of the screen if they are actors that are not well known as they will not detract from the poster. 
The production info is at the bottom of the page as it is the least important information all of the small print is at the bottom of the page because not many people will read all of the small print.

The title is at the top of the poster as this will make the title stand out and will be the first thing that people will be drawn to it.
The actors are on the top of the page because they may be well known actors as this would be a selling point for the film.

The release date for the film is on the left hand side as this will be what people are drawn to so it will be a Major thing on poster as people will then remember it so they will be more likely to go to the film.

The image is on the left hand side as it is not the main point on the page as the release date will stick in the audiences mind
The production info is at the bottom of the page as it is the least important information all of the small print is at the bottom of the page because not many people will read all of the small print.

The actors names will be at the bottom of the screen if they are actors that are not well known as they will not detract from the poster. 
The production info is at the bottom of the page as it is the least important information all of the small print is at the bottom of the page because not many people will read all of the small print.
The image is the main thing in the poster as the actors and the picture will give an incite into the movie

The Title is under the picture as the picture is the most important part of the message.

The actors names will be at the bottom of the screen if they are actors that are not well known as they will not detract from the poster. 
The production info is at the bottom of the page as it is the least important information all of the small print is at the bottom of the page because not many people will read all of the small print.

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