Tuesday 4 January 2011

Making of my poster ...

The first thing that i have done in the creation of my poster is to chose a font for the title i have chosen this font as it is the same one used on my website and in our teaser trailer as this helps to create a strong brand identity. As all of the products will have the same font so they will all look the same helping to promote the film.
The next piece of my poster that i chose to create was the credits that appear normally on the bottom of the poster this is to credit all of the people that have played large parts on the film but wouldn't normally get any recognition. To create this i looked at several different credits and interpreted the credits applying them to our teaser trailer.

On the posters that i have studied all of them have the production logo on the bottom so that the audience know who created the film. This also helps to create a strong brand identity.

The posters on a teaser trailer normally have the date of release on the bottom of the credits in a bold so that it stands out but not so much that it draws away from the fact of the main image which is meant to stick in the audiences head.

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