Tuesday 4 January 2011

Feedback of Love Drug!

We asked a focus group to give us some feedback on the video on what they thought needed improvement and what they enjoyed and liked.

* The teaser trailer had a video, text, video structure which shows the typical conventions of a teaser trailer
* The sound track goes with the video as the edits go in time with the soundtrack
* The genre of the music goes with the story line in the trailer
* The trailer slowly build up to the fast flash scenes
* The flash scene and how the white slides show the flash back


* Add in a longer establishing shot to set the scene
* The end clip could be made longer so people can read the title of the film
* The production logo could be put at the front of the teaser trailer
* Change the font of the text to add more drama
* Re film the shot in the bathroom as it is not clear what she is doing
* Edit out the edit part of the credits
* Also fade in the title at the end because at the moment it is too harsh
* The song needs to be faded out
* Grave yard scene thought it would be a good idea to show the name but because of ethical issues we have chosen not to take this into consideration
* Possible can the edit in the grave yard scene

We are taking into account all of the feedback we have been given and we will be making adjustments to our teaser trailer that our target audience have suggested. Although some of the improvements suggested can't be done such as the changing the graveyard scene.

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