Thursday 2 December 2010

Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaire Analysis

We conducted a questionnaire to find out what our focus group thought of our rough draft of LOVEDRUG!
The questionnaire was compiled as to get an in depth look at the trailer and so we can see what areas we need to improve. The focus group consisted of 10 people from our target audience as this would help us know what we need to improve to make sure that our trailer appeals to our target audience.

Question 1. The response to the question is that all of the respondents thought that the genre of the film portrayed a Romance genre which is pleasing as this was the genre that we were aiming for.

Question 2. The response to question 2 is that the majority voted that there were about the right amount of clips in the trailer with 7 choosing about right. Two people chose that there were too many clips and we will take this in to consideration while doing the final edits to our film. 1 person chose that there were not enough clips in the trailer which we will look at when we are in the final editing.

Question 3. From question three we took into consideration what the focus group thought would be the best to get rid of clips throughout the teaser trailer as people said that there were too many clips we have chosen to take out the scene where our main character is sat at the table as the relevance in the trailer isn't shown directly and it gave away from intensity that we were trying to create

Question 4. One of the directions that people gave us feed back on was to add in more happy scenes as at the moment there is a lot of emphasis on the distress in these scenes. We are taking this into account and thinking about re filming some of our scenes and we are having a meeting to discuss what we can add in.

Question 5.  When we asked our target audience they said that they thought bar one person that we had used correct lighting to reflect the mood that we were trying to portray in the trailer.

Question 6. 8 people stated that after they had watched the teaser trailer they would like to watch the movie which is a good result but we are trying to aim to get all of the focus group to want to watch the trailer so that the movie has a large audience so that it will appeal to all of our target audience.

Question 7. One person advise was to add more of a cliff hanger to give more of a powerful ending so we are going to re film the ending to make sure it is powerful enough

Question 8. The least favourite scenes in the trailer were the phones buzzing at the end and when the main character gets stood up to fix this we have got rid of the scene of our main character getting stood up and also we are re filming the phone scenes to hopefully improve our teaser trailer.

Question 9. Everyone in our focus group thought that we have used a wide range of camera shots and angle which is what we tried to create as it shows different moods.

Question 10. 6 people said that they felt they could relate to the character in the trailer and that it was the main character that they could relate to which is good as people will feel as if they are in the film.

Question 11. We asked people to rate our teaser trailer from 1 - 5 with 5 being the highest
Four people gave it a 3, Four people also gave a 4 and two people gave our film a 5 which is really pleasing as it shows that people do like our teaser trailer

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