Tuesday 7 December 2010

Narrative stages of our teaser trailer!

The first thing that is shown in the teaser trailer is the happy scenes at the start with the best friend and the girl hugging which shows that they have a relationship but are not Boyfriend and Girlfriend, we have shown these because we wanted to show how Chloe's life was perfect before.
We then flash to show Chloe sat on the floor which shows the distribution in her life which will create many questions within the audiences brain and they will want to know why her life has been disrupted.

We then see shots of the distribution which shows in depth some of the things that have happened to see how the distribution will effect the Chloe but in the clips we do not give to much away so it still creates questions in the audiences head.

Through out the flash backs we show parts of the girl sitting in the bathroom as it is meant to show the girls still distraught and confused and with the flashbacks are showing her thought processes that the girl is going through.

When the girl rings of the phone it is showing that she is reaching out for someone but the audience are then left with a bigger cliffhanger with the two male characters both answering the phone and saying hello as then the audience do not know which one the girl has rung so they will want to watch the film.

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