Thursday 9 December 2010

Representation in our trailer

The females is this trailer are presented as week and vulnerable which could link in with the stereotypical view of how females are represented in films such as when they are represented as needed rescuing which we have prorated in our teaser trailer. We have chosen to do this as it enables our target audience to relate to the main protagonist as some girls that age do feel vulnerable which they will then link to the main character. The other female is taking her best friends boyfriend from her so she shown as backstabbing and "bitchy" which some people have a view that female can be like that.

In our Trailer there is not a difference is class shown within the trailer most of the actors shown would represent is middle class as of the clothes and the location such as the house as this is the target audience that we are aiming for and that are a middle class as they having the money to spend on luxury products such as going to the cinema and buying DVD's.

Age is represented in trailer with all of the shots being our teenagers shows many different aspects of teenage life. It shows is the film how the males can  be inconsiderate but then the male who is the best friend it shows a caring and a loving side to the male which will make the female audience enjoy the film more as they will want to see how the male behaves.  The females one is shown as being quite backstabbing and sneaky which female may have come across which would allow them to relate to them. Also it shows the girl being rational and confused which the target audience will be able to relate to but will also be able to learn something from our Teaser Trailer.

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