Tuesday 15 March 2011

Website Changes

Through the process of creating my website i had to change many things as i went along such as when i first chose the template for my background it had a different boarder and it didn't fit with the genre of our teaser trailer so i changed the background to have zips as this is meant to link with the main protagonists life coming undone like a zip.                                                                                                    
When i first created my soundtrack page i had the media player on the page so people could listen to the music i had the title at the top of the page but this left a lot of white space which wouldn't interest the audience so i added the list of the soundtracks which meant that there was less white space. This also means that the audience know what they are listening too.

When creating my front page i decided to use a black background as i want people to enter the main site. At the start i didn't have our teaser trailer on my front of my website but i added it in as there was space on the front of my website and it will help to create strong brand identity.
I used a black and white picture as this made the homepage dramatic i wanted to create this because although the genre of our teaser trailer in romance it is not a typical romance. I wanted to show this through the picture so i took a picture that you could only see the outline of the girl i chose this as it shows that the girl has no identity and with the red love heart being highlighted links in with the genre of the film.
I have completed my website you can find it on this link 

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