Thursday 17 March 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms of real media products?

My media product is a advertising package for a romance genre film, the advertising package includes a teaser trailer, a poster and a website that all promote the film.

In all advertising packages there are codes and conventions of a normal teaser trailers and posters i conducted research, as this helped us to created our teaser trailer, Our teaser trailer uses a lot of conventions from normal teaser trailers. Normal Trailers and teasers have the same purpose which is to entice the audience to watch the film it also establishes the genre of the film which then also establishes the audience for the film. The production company does this so that they can get money from the audience which will increase their profits.

Teaser trailers are normally between 30 to 90 seconds in length our teaser trailer being between the average length. A normal film trailer can range from 2.30 to 4 minutes which then gives a lot of the film plot away which is what we didn't want to do. Our teaser trailer follows the conventions this is so that the teaser trailer doesn't give too much away and so that the audience still want to watch the film after seeing the trailer. The teaser trailer is complied from sections of filming from the making of the film which is another normal convention this helps to give the audience a incite into the film without giving too much away.

In both full length and  teaser trailers there is normally a soundtrack running over the film which relates to the film and can create more tension or create sympathy with the actors, we chose a soundtrack that fits the mood of our teaser trailer and it also creates more emotion in the teaser trailer, as the words of the song relate to what is happening in the trailer.

Our teaser trailer uses some of the normal conventions of a romance film such as having a love interest with the main character which helps to draw our target audience in to watch the film, we have also developed the conventions by having a love triangle which we used to help keep the audience interested  in the film and helps to entice the audience to watch the film. By developing the love interest we hoped to interest the audience in the film so that the teaser trailer will create questions in the audiences mind.

Our teaser trailer ends on a cliff hanger which develops the conventions of a teaser trailer as in normal teaser trailers they do not allow the audience to know what happens in the end of the film as this would destroy the purpose of the teaser trailer. We chose to develop this convention by leaving the ending on a cliffhanger as this makes the audience want to find out  what happens in the film but also gives away more than most teaser trailers we chose to do this so that the audience have a clear understanding of the trailer but are also left wanting to see more.

Through looking at romance films we found that they tend to use a range of different camera shots we studied these and tried to incorporate them into our teaser trailer so that it gave it a more professional finish which would help to make the teaser trailer look like large budget film. Due to limited technology we couldn't use all of the camera shots such as a crane shot to create a establishing shot for health and safety reasons we had to develop the normal conventions that high budget films can use to be able to fit with what our group could use.
Normal teaser trailers edits are similar to a teaser trailer as they both have quick edits as it builds tension in the film, but a full length trailer has the chance to put a range of different edits. Our teaser trailer follows the conventions by having fast edits that build up to the main disruption in the teaser trailer.  

In Love Drug we also challenge many conventions of a romance film, usually in a romance film and according to Todorov’st theory there is also some disruption within the film before the reconciliation. The disruption is doesn't normally play a large part in the film as the emphasis is on romance side as this is what the target audience would like, throughout our teaser trailer we didn't shown much of the romance and love side this is because we wanted to make our teaser trailer stand out from the other romance films. We focused on the disruption in the teaser trailer as we believe that it gave the teaser trailer an edge of other of the same genre. It also helped to draw the audience into the trailer and made them ask questions in their head we found this from our audience feedback when people stated that they wanted to know how the film ended and that they would want to watch the film after seeing the teaser trailer.

We challenged the convention of a romance film as currently on the market most romance films and mainly hybrids now of romance and comedy, which we looked into but we decided as a group that we didn't feel we would have been able to create as RomCom with the skills that we have so instead we created a pure romance film which there are only a few created which made conducting market research harder. We chose to create a pure romance film as we felt that this is where our strengths would be and that we could get the best result for our product.

We are challenging the conventions of normal teaser trailers as by not having a voice over on our teaser trailer goes against nearly all of the teaser trailers we have looked at, we haven't used any speech in the teaser trailer as we felt that the music we use which does go with the normal conventions of a teaser trailer helped to tell the story and if we put a voice over the music it may have ruined the effect of the music. We tried having at the end scene the music stopping and have the two boys answer the phone but after more audience feedback our target audience said that they thought the teaser trailer was better with the music playing throughout.

The protagonist is represented in many different ways throughout the trailer, in the scene when the main protagonist is walking through with wood with her boyfriend and they are holding hands and laughing through the use of a long shot we tried to represent the girl as a typical teenage girl and that nothing is wrong but then when we come back to this scene from a different angle from behind we then show the girl being left by the boy showing her vunrability we decided to change the shot as it shows that you are looking at the girl from a different perspective.
I took some market research into the typical conventions of a website and i created a navigation map for my website which helped me to make my website look like a professional one. I have for my first page a enter page which is simple and has the trailer on the front page so that people can watch the trailer before entering the site which all websites have.
I developed the conventions of a normal website as i used a powerful background with most websites have just a plain background as this then doesn't draw attention away from the characters on the main page. I chose to develop this and I used a background of white paint flaking off which links in with how Chloe's life is slowly pealing away and she has no control over it. I also used the zips to show how Chloe's life if coming undone which instead of being a plain background my background suggest that something in Chloe's life is not right. My navigation bar develops the normal conventions that i have looked at as my navigation bar is on the left hand side of my website as i felt that it allowed the audience to be draw to by navigation bar as people read from left to right so they would notice what the website has to offer. Also for easy use of my website i used the convention of being able to access any of the pages at anytime no matter what page you are on this is so that people don't have to go back to the homepage after ever use.

My teaser trailer follows the normal conventions of a website by having some of the same pages such as a page for the trailer,gallery, meet the cast which i decided to put these in because it allows the audience to get to know the characters more and to understand the film. This also fits in with the audience expectations of a teaser trailer. I developed the conventions by adding in extra pages such as having a page just for the synopsis so that people can read the synopsis and then understand the film more. I also gave a separate page for the soundtracks of the film this is so that when people are watching the film and they don't know the song they can look on the website and listen to the songs

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