Thursday 17 March 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

The combination of the main product and my ancillary tasks I feel has been successful with themes running throughout all three products this helped to create a link between all of the products, this is so the audience will be able to recognise that all of the products link together this will help to create a strong brand identity.

To make sure all of my products linked together I ensured that they had clear links between them such as the production logo Rose and Thorn being in all of my production pieces this helps to show that all the production pieces were created by the same production company. It appears at the begging of our teaser trailer to show that it was made by the production company.

I made sure that the title of my film is on all of my products so that people will know what the film is called and that it will stick in the audience's head and they will then link all of the products together so when they see the poster they will remember the teaser trailer therefore then they will hopefully go see the film and the cinema.
I used the same font throughout all of my products as then the name and the brand will be recognised, also buy doing this is helps to create a link between all of the products. If the name of the film becomes well known then when people see the font they will be drawn to look at the product. We used a scripted writing as we thought that this went with genre of the film and it gave the teaser trailer a more personal feel to it so the audience can feel as if they can relate to the film.

The colour scheme has been kept the same throughout, I used  red, black and white as my main colours in my media products scheme as the red conotates love and is a strong colour which links in with the powerful feelings that Chloe is going through to be able to think about committing suicide. I used the white as it is a pure colour which will contrast the red and make it seem more powerful but also helps to show how vulnerable Chloe is throughout the film. They black is used to contrast the colours to show the dark side to the teaser trailer because of being a romance film I wanted to get across that in our teaser trailer that not everything is ok and that there is a large distribution throughout the trailer. There are other colours used in teaser trailer such as the natural surroundings. I tried to keep the main colours black, white and red as this will help to link all of my products together to link them as being part of one campaign.

On my poster and also on our teaser trailer we have the URL of my website so that it can be recognised easily by the audience. So that they will use the website as in our market research we found out that most of our target audience didn’t know that film’s had a website to go along with the film so by advertising our website it will make the audience go onto the website for more information. I have also included the poster of my film on my website so that people will link all of my advertising package together, it also creates repetition so that it becomes memorable.

My website uses the same fonts and colour schemes as the trailer and my poster as this helps to create a strong brand identity throughout all of my products which looking at many advertising packages this is following the conventions as in all of the packages i have studied the colour scheme has been the same i chose to do this so that the audience would recognise that the products are linked.

On my website i have put my trailer on because it means that people can watch it again which will link both of the products together, and the audience will become more familiar with the trailer which will mean that they will subconsciously think of the trailer. Also the soundtrack appears on both the teaser trailer and on my website i did this to get across the emotion of the soundtrack on both my website and our teaser trailer this makes the audience feel involed in the trailer.

The protagonist in the teaser trailer is presented as a vunrable girl, using high angle shots in the bathroom scenes makes the protagonist even more vunrable as the audience have a high vantagepoint so they feel bigger than the protagonist. On my website i have shown tried to show that not everything is well and that it isn't a normal romance film and that the distrubtion plays a large part in our film. To link in the vunrability on my website i have the background unzipping as this links in with her life coming undone and having no control over it.

I feel that by main product and ancillary tasks link well together with the use of colour schemes and all of the linking elements helps to create a effective advertising package which is a vital element when promoting a film, I believe that my package offers everything needed for my product to be successful

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