Thursday 17 March 2011

Evaluation Question 1 : What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We collected our target audience  using Questionnaires, Focus Groups, Emails,  also through informal talks with people from the target audience. We used questionnaires because we could ask the target audience the feedback that we needed without them going off of the point. We chose to use focus groups as this enabled us to get more detailed audience feedback and allowed the audience to give their opinions in detail.

The audience feedback that we have used for our teaser trailer is questionnaires, Focus Groups and Informal talks we found that these were the best ways to gather feedback as we could get the information need in the detail that we needed.
From conducting audience feedback i have learnt that it is important to always gain as much customer feedback as possible as this helps with the improvement of our teaser trailer, by having the feedback collected from our target audience it helped to allow us to make sure the trailer met the expectations of our target audience. Our group chose to conduct as much feedback as possible as it helped us with the creation of our teaser trailer, As a group we decided that we would collect initial audience feedback as a Questionnaire as this gave us the amount of detail we needed on what genre of film our target audience. Our target audience came out as females aged 15 - 25 which is a wider age range than we initially thought,This was a positive though as it means that our teaser trailer has  larger audience and if it was going to be made into film it would bring in more money. This could have brought problems to the creation of our teaser trailer as having such a wide audience means that throughout the creation we have had to created feedback from a range of different ages and it is hard to please everyone in our target audience. As different ages will be interested in different things such as teenage girls will be interested in the love triangle within the film but the older target audience may not be as interested in the love triangle. Through the questionnaire we also learnt that the audience didn't mind if it was a large production company or a independent company that produced the film. Which has helped us to come to the decision that we would want a  independent company to produce the film as if gave us a chance to widen are opportunities while filming as films produced by large companies follow a stereo typical conventions. Also the genre of film means that we don't have to have a large budget which would mean that an independent company would be able to afford it as there are no special effects are needed and that it doesn't matter if there are not as well known actors because the audience concentrate on the story line instead of the actors.

"Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable."
We were careful while filming that we did not show any packets of drugs so that we are not promoting the use of drugs, we had feedback from a focus group on how to conduct the drug scenes and from the feedback we learnt to try new camera angles to try get across how the main character was feeling and to try get the distress across.  
We conducted our second Questionnaire on the rough draft of our teaser trailer to see how we could improve our trailer and see what parts of our trailer need improving, The focus group consisted of 10 people from our target audience as this would help us know what we need to improve to make sure that our trailer appeals to our target audience. We allowed our focus group to watch LoveDrug three times and then asked them some questions about the teaser trailer such as what parts we could improve on some of the feedback that we got were such things as putting the production logo could be put at the front of the teaser trailer which helped to make our teaser trailer look more professional.
After conducting the questionnaire we found out the positive feedback from our teaser trailer and that our audience could identify what genre of film our teaser trailer is. As our teaser trailer doesn't have the normal conventions of a teaser trailer as it has the drug scenes in so we had to collect in-depth feedback on this to make sure we had enough of the romance genre shown throughout the film. We also asked if the people would like to watch the teaser trailer which 8 out of 10 people said they would which is a good result as if we didn't have a audience for our product then the creation would have been pointless.

We then conducted more primary research within our class as they were able to offer us improvements we asked them to be critical of our teaser trailer so that we could make the changes that they made. We asked them to watch our teaser trailer and then write down what they thought about the trailer. We took into account everything that they said and then through the feedback that they made we learnt that we would have to edit of teaser trailer in more depth so that the teaser trailer would be able to run smoother. Some of  the feedback that we were given was in the grave yard scene they advised that it would be a good idea to show the name of the person on the grave stone, but after a group meeting and some further research we came to the decision that due to ethical issues in filming the grave stone we have chose not to go forward with these changes.
I have conducted many focus groups on my ancillary tasks as i went along always asking for feedback on how i can improve and i learnt that my target audience like for all of my products to have a clear brand identity to be created throughout so that no matter what product the audience are looking at they will know that it is part of Love Drug. Also I learnt that when using products such as my website they wanted the website to be easy to navigate round so that they can use it quickly and not waste time on the website.

I undertook secondary research looking into the codes and conventions of teaser trailer from our chosen genre of film, Our genre was romance using knowledge that we already had and then researching more in depth, this gave our group direction for the film. From what most people expect from romance films throughout this research as a group we decided that we did not want to follow all the conventions of a romance film as then our film wouldn't stand out from other romance films. We tried to make a unique product that challenged some of the conventions of normal of a romance teaser trailer.

Getting customer feedback has been beneficial in the creation of our teaser trailer as it helped to make sure that our teaser trailer had the correct content to appeal to our target audience. This can be called the spiral effect which is when you create a text then gather customer feedback and then make the changes recommend and then start the process again. This helps to make sure that the text appeals to the target audience as they have had a part in the production of the making of the text.

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