Monday 1 November 2010

Story Board

Scene 1.

Location :  A teenagers bedroom to create a realistic room that the main characters would live in.
Lighting : High key lighting because creating a happy atmosphere of how Chloe’s life was before all of her troubles
Camera : Mid shot/ Two shot
Props : Birthday card/ flowers/ bedside table
Mise en scene : Bedside table must be framed within the shot, Actor must look natural
Description : Its Chloe’s birthday and James (Chloe’s best friend) comes to Chloe’s house to give her a card and some flowers. Chloe thanks and hugs James for her presents.

Scene 2
Location : Greens Norton pocket park
Camera : Long shot and then Dolly in/ Two shot
Lighting : High key
Props : N/A
Mise en scene : Middle of frame, Main character will look natural again, casual clothing (warm clothing )
Description : Chloe and Dan are on a romantic walk through the park the camera then dolly’s in to show the two characters just about to kiss which shows the audience that the two characters have a relationship.

Scene 3
Location : Chloe’s bedroom
Camera :
Lighting : High key lighting
Props : Make up/ make up bags/ shoes/ iPod playing in speakers/ straightners/ clothes/ camera 
Mise en scene : Actors will be shown in all areas on the frame
Description : Chloe, Dan, James, Fran are getting ready for a party. They are all busy looking at clothes dancing. James and Chloe are together, hugging and showing the relationship between them.

Scene 4

The written text comes up to give direction to what is happening within the film

Scene 5

Location : Chloe’s bathroom
Lighting : Dim lighting but then goes into strobe lighting to show flashback
Camera : Mid shot/ Over the shoulder shot 
Props : Bathroom toiletries/ lipstick written on the mirror
Mise en scene :  Chloe will be framed in the shot
Description : Chloe is sat on the floor In her bathroom the lighting reflects the change in mood in the film, Chloe then stands in a rush to go and grab something from her cupboard there is a message written in the mirror Chloe smudges the message and then the harsh lighting comes in to shows starting the flash backs

Scene 7

Text comes in to give direction to the reader
Then a bright white light to signify the story going to flashbacks

Scene 8

Location : Grave yard
Camera :
Lighting :  Dusk/ Dim lighting
Props : Grave stone
Mise en scene : Chloe is going to be sat in a graveyard next to her dads grave
Description : Chloe is sat by her dad grave crying and the camera will highlight the name of her father.

Scene 9
Location : Bathroom
Camera : Dolly In
Lighting :  Dim lighting
Props : Packet of tablets
Description : Chloe throws the packet of tablets across the floor while rushing and then the camera zooms in on the packet

Scene 10

Location : Café
Camera : long shot
Lighting : high key lighting
Props : Café table settings
Mise en scene : facial expressions – sad disappointed
Description : Flash back of Chloe being stood up by Daniel in a café

Scene 11
Location : Chloe’s bathroom
Camera : Canted angle
Lighting : high key lighting
Props: Tablets
Mise en scene : Positioned to the right of the frame
Description : Chloe grabs the tablets and a close up shot is used to show the desperation

Scene 12
 Location : Pocket park
Camera : same as shot 2
Lighting : high key
Props: N/A
Mise en scene :  same as shot 2
Description : Chloe and Daniel at the pocket park showing the same scene as before only as Chloe goes in to kiss Daniel he pulls away.

Scene 13
Location : Bathroom
Camera : high angle
Lighting : low key
Props: tablets
Mise en scene :
Description : Close up of tablets

Scene 14

Location : Chloe’s room
Camera : same as scene 3
Lighting : high key
Props: Same as scene 3
Mise en scene : Scene 3
Description : This shot is the same as shot 3 but scene through a different perspective after Dan and Chloe kiss the camera zooms in on Fran looking jealously and disappointed.

Scene 15
Location : Bathroom
Camera : over the shoulder shot
Lighting : Low key
Props: Phone
Mise en scene : The phone is taking up most of the screen
Description : Chloe is sending a message but the audience don’t know who the message is to

Scene 16
Location : N/A
Camera : mid shot
Lighting : High key
Props: Phones
Mise en scene : the phones will take up a lot of the screen
Description : James and Dan both receive a text and the audience don’t know which one of them has a text from Chloe.

Scene 17

Text to show the title of the film

Scene 18

Location : Bathroom
Camera : Close up
Lighting : High key
Props: Glass of water

Description : the glass of water is shown hitting the floor making a large smash.

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