Tuesday 9 November 2010


Possible locations for Love Drug

We chose this location because it looks like a typical teenagers room. Also it gives a homely feel also with the colours being relaxing which links into the romance genre, also the pink links into romance genre. This room is going to be used as Chloe's room.

This is the bathroom that is going to be used through the filming as it is realistic to be a females bathroom with the pink accessories. The room is very light which will enable us to have better lighting for our film.

This is another picture of the bathroom in different lighting so we can see what type of lighting would be best to use and also to see how the bathroom would look from a different angle to see where would be best to shoot our film as the main part of the trailer is in the bathroom
This a picture of the bedroom from a different angle with different lighting the pink bed covers links in with the romance genre and the bedside table with the other items shows the bedroom of a teenage girl

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