Friday 12 November 2010

The hypodermic needle theory!

The hypodermic needle theory states that mass media has a direct, immediate and powerful effect on their audiences.

The theory states the the mass media puts across there attitudes into the audience and the audience are influenced by this. It suggests that the there is a  passive audience and that the mass media manipulates how society think. They theory main link is to violence for instance if a child was to play a violent game on there Xbox the theory states that the child will then go and copy the game because the mass media are injecting there beliefs in to society. It can also been shown through scary movies it is now becoming increasingly hard to scare society in films because there are many scary films.

The theory also says that not every will interpreted the texts the same way they will interpret the media text in there own way.

This theory could possible have an effect on our audience with the scenes of suicide but we have met the BBFC classification for a 15 so the film will be able to be seen from all ages above 15 and non of the specfics are shown throughout the film so it will not be easy to copy the film.

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