Wednesday 24 November 2010

Feedback ..............

We have shown our teaser trailer to our classmates that are also creating teaser trailers as they know the criteria that we have to meet.I  can't upload the video's to my blog because they are to big so i can't show you , We've asked our class to give their evaluation. The evaluation is shown on the comments

Tuesday 23 November 2010

What editing programme should we use?

One of the options for editing is Windows Movie Maker it is included on Microsoft Windows Me, XP, and Vista. It allows us to add features such as effects, transitions, titles/credits, audio track, timeline and narration. There is a new updated version of Windows movie maker which is called Windows Live Movie Maker, which is now included with Windows Live Essentials, a free download from Windows Live; that does not have the same features as Windows Movie Maker. This may be a good choice to use as we have already had some expirence using it although there were some complications while editing so i am going to research other editing programmes.

The other editing programe that we have acess to is Final Cut Pro which is used on appel Macs.  The software allows users to log and capture video onto a hard drive, where it can be edited, processed, and output to a wide variety of formats. We could use this as it is similar to Windows movie maker and it is simple to use and we can all use it.


We have finished filming and we have let people our fellow classmates watch and analyse what they thought of the clips and then they told us what they thought and gave us some tips on how to create the movie and editing.

Filming :D

We have starteding filming our film it has been going well we have followed the storyboard as this helps us to with the directions. I cant upload the videos at the moment as they are to large to fit the on my blog.

Monday 22 November 2010

Editing :D

The first thing to do when editing is to upload your videos which is shown by the arrow on the page you click on the page and then have to go through the files to find your clip and then you  have to upload all of your images

After you have uploaded all of your videos you drag the videos in the section that the arrow is pointing at then you can put the videos into the order that you want them to be on you can also change the way you look at the videos by clicking on the Show Storyboard which is on the line in the picture above this gives you a different view which can then be helpful for some people.

After you have ordered your videos and then you can click on the video and shorten the length by pulling the edge of the picture to the length that you want. After you have got them to the length that you wish you can then put transitions in between the videos which makes them run smoother. If you want to add text in the movie you can by clicking on the button saying underneath the transitions button.

Shooting Schedule

Before we start filming the group and i came together to create a shooting schedule on the days that the actors and the cast were free we compiled a three day schedule so we could get the filming completed in a weekend. Which would give us the chance to have more time so that if we found we needed to film any more scenes then we would be able to. 

Sunday 14 November 2010

Two Step flow ..

Another media theory is the two step flow the theory states that information from the media moves in two ways. Firstly is moves from individuals (opinion leaders) who pay close attention to the mass media and its messages. Opinion leaders then pass on their own interpretations. Opinion leaders can be influential in getting people to change their attitudes and behaviors. The opinion leaders then pass on their interpretations to the mass media consumers 

Friday 12 November 2010

The hypodermic needle theory!

The hypodermic needle theory states that mass media has a direct, immediate and powerful effect on their audiences.

The theory states the the mass media puts across there attitudes into the audience and the audience are influenced by this. It suggests that the there is a  passive audience and that the mass media manipulates how society think. They theory main link is to violence for instance if a child was to play a violent game on there Xbox the theory states that the child will then go and copy the game because the mass media are injecting there beliefs in to society. It can also been shown through scary movies it is now becoming increasingly hard to scare society in films because there are many scary films.

The theory also says that not every will interpreted the texts the same way they will interpret the media text in there own way.

This theory could possible have an effect on our audience with the scenes of suicide but we have met the BBFC classification for a 15 so the film will be able to be seen from all ages above 15 and non of the specfics are shown throughout the film so it will not be easy to copy the film.

External factors while filming

While filming our teaser trailer there are some things that we can't control called external factors which are things that are out of our control which may effect us while making our teaser trailer
One of the main problems is the weather as when we need to film our scenes outside if it isn't the correct weather then it will mean  that we won't be able to film on that day putting us behind on our schedule.
Also the time of year that the film is being set in may contrast with the time of year that it is in the film is being shot in. The technology that we have access to will limit us in the creation of our teaser trailer as we have a limited budget so we will have to create our teaser trailer with the equipment that we have.

Consent form :D

Before we can start filming we need to get the consent from our actors and anyone appearing in our film and the locations for our film so we have created this connsent form which we will hand out to all of the partisipating people in our film.

Social networking sites!

Social networking is now playing a large part in the advertising in films

Using soical networking sites to provide information about the film, Using the networking sites allows us to display photographs of the film so people can see what will  be involed in the film. It allows people to like the page so more people will see it and also allows general public to view the website. It is also free to use so it works as free advertising, it enables the asvertising campign to have a global audience.
We are coming to create a facebook for our film as it will create a good marketing campaign.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Flim Posters .....

The notebook
This is a romance film.

The scene is kissing in the rain which is meant to be one of the most romantic scenes, which will make the audience want to watch the film. Also the way the actors are holding each other shows the relationship between the characters with them about to kiss it creates questions in the readers head but it doesn't give away to much so it will make the audience want to watch the film.
There is a quote at the top of the page which draws people in to watch the movie as they then know that the story is a great love story.
The sky is bright which goes against the heavy rain because normally the sky would be dark show the bright sky shows that there may be good shown throughout out the film and the heavy rain normally co notates that something bad is going to happen which could show that there is something bad that happens throughout the movie.
The ring that is on the girls finger is on her marriage finger which could show that she is engaged which would also create questions within the audience head. The icon on the left hand side shows the production company that produce the film which if people recognise they may want to watch the film.
The title is written is a bold font which makes it stand out so the audience will remember the name of the film. The name of the actors are shown but do not draw to much attention away from the picture as that is the main feature on the page, the actors names do draw some of the audience in as they may like the actors in the film. The small print is all of the copyright which is at the bottom of the page so it doesn't draw attention away from the main picture.

The Leap year poster has a plain green background which can co notate clean and fresh which could mean that the film has a fresh start and having a new beginning but it can also have a negative co notates of jealousy which could show that there is some jealousy throughout the movie. The colour also links into the small righting which gives an incite into the movie and it creates questions in the readers mind because they are wondering what will happen in the film.

The actors names are dominate on this film poster as the actors are more well known so it will encourage people to watch the film.
The title the word LEAP is in bold to make it stand out and the year is less which could mean that the word is important within the film and the actors have to leap.

The small print is all the information about the production company and then it has the release date in bold to make it stand out so people will remember it.

Remember me..
The colours used in the poster are Black and White which are associated with being in the past this could show that the film is set in the past or has old fashion views.
The red title co notates with passion and love which could show that there is a lot of passion throughout the movie. The actors names are at the top of the page which could show that they are big actors and that they will attract people to watch the movie because of the actors.
The black line on the page gives the impression that the rest of the page is getting ripped out which could show that the film shows people lives slipping out of control. 
The pictures shows a relaxed  couple and how close they are shows that there is a strong relationship between each other. The faded background has the shape of a city but it could also show that the background is irrelevant where ever the couple are.
The small print on the side doesn't draw attention away from the main pictures. 

Tuesday 9 November 2010


Possible locations for Love Drug

We chose this location because it looks like a typical teenagers room. Also it gives a homely feel also with the colours being relaxing which links into the romance genre, also the pink links into romance genre. This room is going to be used as Chloe's room.

This is the bathroom that is going to be used through the filming as it is realistic to be a females bathroom with the pink accessories. The room is very light which will enable us to have better lighting for our film.

This is another picture of the bathroom in different lighting so we can see what type of lighting would be best to use and also to see how the bathroom would look from a different angle to see where would be best to shoot our film as the main part of the trailer is in the bathroom
This a picture of the bedroom from a different angle with different lighting the pink bed covers links in with the romance genre and the bedside table with the other items shows the bedroom of a teenage girl

Final Logo .........

We have chosen this as our final design for our production logo as we didn't feel our first draft gave a professional appearance.  We couldn't recreate the draft because of the banner didn't run along the heart in the correct way. We have chosen the writing along the top as it links in with the romance from our movie and as we are a independent production company we are trying to differentiate ourselves from other production companies. The rose is bend into a love heart so it shows the romance genre.

Sunday 7 November 2010

To find out what song would be best suited for the soundtrack for Love Drug, The target audience had the choice of 8 songs that will be included in the film, the audience had to read the synopsis and then chose the song that they felt best suited the film. The overall outcome was that Ellie Gouldings live loung cover of Sweet Disposition

Thursday 4 November 2010

Soundtrack for our Love Drug

We have chosen the song Sweet Disposition as our sound track as we feel that the music fits the song well as through the teaser trailer the mood changes and this happens through the song as well. The song can also be interpreted in different ways.

Never too soon
Oh reckless abandon,
Like no one's watching you
A moment, a love                                     
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry                                             
Our rights, our wrongs                              
A moment, a love 
A dream, a laugh
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
Just stay there
Cause I'll be comin' over
While our bloods still young
It's so young, it runs
Won't stop til it's over                                
Won't stop to surrender                             
Songs of desperation                                
I played them for you
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
Just stay there
Cause I'll be comin' over
While our bloods still young
It's so young, it runs
Won't stop til it's over
Won't stop to surrender
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs (won't stop til it's over)
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs (won't stop til it's over)
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs (won't stop til it's over)
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A moment, a love
A moment, a love (won't stop to surrender

The lyrics from this part link in to all of the things that are going   many people will know the song.
This part of the song links into when Chloe is feeling along and  thinking about committing suicide. And the lyric of desperation    links into how Chloe is feeling.

The ending to the song ends on a more upbeat song which will create hope in the audiences head for Chloe.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Propp came up with the theory that there are 7 types of characters that appear in films, not every character has a clear role within the film and some characters have a couple of the character types within their role

The eight types of characters..
  1. The villain — struggles against the hero.
  2. The donor — prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object.
  3. The (magical) helper — helps the hero in the quest.
  4. The princess or prize — the hero deserves her throughout the story but is unable to marry her because of an unfair evil, usually because of the villain. the hero's journey is often ended when he marries the princess, thereby beating the villain.
  5. her father — gives the task to the hero, identifies the false hero, marries the hero, often sought for during the narrative. Propp noted that functionally, the princess and the father can not be clearly distinguished.
  6. The dispatcher — character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off.
  7. The hero or victim/seeker hero — reacts to the donor, weds the princess.
  8. False hero — takes credit for the hero’s actions or tries to marry the princess.

Monday 1 November 2010

How are romance characters represented in a film?

After watching and analysing romance trailers, i have decided to research the representation of main characters within a romance movie.

The two main characters are a male and a female then normally end up being a couple.
The female is normally represented as being weak and vulnerable, The female always wears nice clothes with natural make up and hair that is never out of place.
The male is normally represented as strong and not needing a female. They are also shown to be having a lot of male friends who they hang out with lots of his friends, they then towards the end of the film realise that they need the female

Story board!

This is the storyboard for LOVE DRUG i have put the story board on with no directions as it is now easier to see how the storyboard lead on from each other. I am really happy with the result of our storyboard i feel that it will make it easier to film our teaser trailer. 

Story Board

Scene 1.

Location :  A teenagers bedroom to create a realistic room that the main characters would live in.
Lighting : High key lighting because creating a happy atmosphere of how Chloe’s life was before all of her troubles
Camera : Mid shot/ Two shot
Props : Birthday card/ flowers/ bedside table
Mise en scene : Bedside table must be framed within the shot, Actor must look natural
Description : Its Chloe’s birthday and James (Chloe’s best friend) comes to Chloe’s house to give her a card and some flowers. Chloe thanks and hugs James for her presents.

Scene 2
Location : Greens Norton pocket park
Camera : Long shot and then Dolly in/ Two shot
Lighting : High key
Props : N/A
Mise en scene : Middle of frame, Main character will look natural again, casual clothing (warm clothing )
Description : Chloe and Dan are on a romantic walk through the park the camera then dolly’s in to show the two characters just about to kiss which shows the audience that the two characters have a relationship.

Scene 3
Location : Chloe’s bedroom
Camera :
Lighting : High key lighting
Props : Make up/ make up bags/ shoes/ iPod playing in speakers/ straightners/ clothes/ camera 
Mise en scene : Actors will be shown in all areas on the frame
Description : Chloe, Dan, James, Fran are getting ready for a party. They are all busy looking at clothes dancing. James and Chloe are together, hugging and showing the relationship between them.

Scene 4

The written text comes up to give direction to what is happening within the film

Scene 5

Location : Chloe’s bathroom
Lighting : Dim lighting but then goes into strobe lighting to show flashback
Camera : Mid shot/ Over the shoulder shot 
Props : Bathroom toiletries/ lipstick written on the mirror
Mise en scene :  Chloe will be framed in the shot
Description : Chloe is sat on the floor In her bathroom the lighting reflects the change in mood in the film, Chloe then stands in a rush to go and grab something from her cupboard there is a message written in the mirror Chloe smudges the message and then the harsh lighting comes in to shows starting the flash backs

Scene 7

Text comes in to give direction to the reader
Then a bright white light to signify the story going to flashbacks

Scene 8

Location : Grave yard
Camera :
Lighting :  Dusk/ Dim lighting
Props : Grave stone
Mise en scene : Chloe is going to be sat in a graveyard next to her dads grave
Description : Chloe is sat by her dad grave crying and the camera will highlight the name of her father.

Scene 9
Location : Bathroom
Camera : Dolly In
Lighting :  Dim lighting
Props : Packet of tablets
Description : Chloe throws the packet of tablets across the floor while rushing and then the camera zooms in on the packet

Scene 10

Location : Café
Camera : long shot
Lighting : high key lighting
Props : Café table settings
Mise en scene : facial expressions – sad disappointed
Description : Flash back of Chloe being stood up by Daniel in a café

Scene 11
Location : Chloe’s bathroom
Camera : Canted angle
Lighting : high key lighting
Props: Tablets
Mise en scene : Positioned to the right of the frame
Description : Chloe grabs the tablets and a close up shot is used to show the desperation

Scene 12
 Location : Pocket park
Camera : same as shot 2
Lighting : high key
Props: N/A
Mise en scene :  same as shot 2
Description : Chloe and Daniel at the pocket park showing the same scene as before only as Chloe goes in to kiss Daniel he pulls away.

Scene 13
Location : Bathroom
Camera : high angle
Lighting : low key
Props: tablets
Mise en scene :
Description : Close up of tablets

Scene 14

Location : Chloe’s room
Camera : same as scene 3
Lighting : high key
Props: Same as scene 3
Mise en scene : Scene 3
Description : This shot is the same as shot 3 but scene through a different perspective after Dan and Chloe kiss the camera zooms in on Fran looking jealously and disappointed.

Scene 15
Location : Bathroom
Camera : over the shoulder shot
Lighting : Low key
Props: Phone
Mise en scene : The phone is taking up most of the screen
Description : Chloe is sending a message but the audience don’t know who the message is to

Scene 16
Location : N/A
Camera : mid shot
Lighting : High key
Props: Phones
Mise en scene : the phones will take up a lot of the screen
Description : James and Dan both receive a text and the audience don’t know which one of them has a text from Chloe.

Scene 17

Text to show the title of the film

Scene 18

Location : Bathroom
Camera : Close up
Lighting : High key
Props: Glass of water

Description : the glass of water is shown hitting the floor making a large smash.

Our production logo...

The name for our production company is Rose and Thorn as the name is original and different to any of the normal production names. We chose this because the rose co notates good and loving which every film has some "good" within the film and the thorn can represent the bad within the film. Also the gold banner used links in with other production companies and shows that the production company is powerful and successful within the movie industry.    

Navigation map