Tuesday 4 January 2011

Creating my poster

This is me starting to create my poster i have put all of the conponents together of my poster i am going to make a few differnt layouts of posters so that i can then chosen which one i think would be best.

Pictures for poster....

 Here are some initail pictures that are for my poster.  I took this picture as it shows the connection between both of the actors which is shown throughout the teaser trailer.


The next picture was taken as it shows the actors back to back it shows the relationship between the characters but it also shows that the relationship may have some troubles within it.
This last picture was taken to show how vunrable a the actor could be in the film.

Love Drug...

We have came across a problem with the name of our film Love Drug, as during the near completion of our coursework there has been a film released called Love and Other Drugs. Which the name is very similar to our name, which would cause i problem if both films were being released at the same time this would create a competition and after discussing the situation with the rest of my group we have chosen not to change the name of our film as we do not feel as if we would have enough time to change all of our product. Throughout this mistake of ours we now know that we should have done more research into the naming of our film.

Feedback of Love Drug!

We asked a focus group to give us some feedback on the video on what they thought needed improvement and what they enjoyed and liked.

* The teaser trailer had a video, text, video structure which shows the typical conventions of a teaser trailer
* The sound track goes with the video as the edits go in time with the soundtrack
* The genre of the music goes with the story line in the trailer
* The trailer slowly build up to the fast flash scenes
* The flash scene and how the white slides show the flash back


* Add in a longer establishing shot to set the scene
* The end clip could be made longer so people can read the title of the film
* The production logo could be put at the front of the teaser trailer
* Change the font of the text to add more drama
* Re film the shot in the bathroom as it is not clear what she is doing
* Edit out the edit part of the credits
* Also fade in the title at the end because at the moment it is too harsh
* The song needs to be faded out
* Grave yard scene thought it would be a good idea to show the name but because of ethical issues we have chosen not to take this into consideration
* Possible can the edit in the grave yard scene

We are taking into account all of the feedback we have been given and we will be making adjustments to our teaser trailer that our target audience have suggested. Although some of the improvements suggested can't be done such as the changing the graveyard scene.

Making of my poster ...

The first thing that i have done in the creation of my poster is to chose a font for the title i have chosen this font as it is the same one used on my website and in our teaser trailer as this helps to create a strong brand identity. As all of the products will have the same font so they will all look the same helping to promote the film.
The next piece of my poster that i chose to create was the credits that appear normally on the bottom of the poster this is to credit all of the people that have played large parts on the film but wouldn't normally get any recognition. To create this i looked at several different credits and interpreted the credits applying them to our teaser trailer.

On the posters that i have studied all of them have the production logo on the bottom so that the audience know who created the film. This also helps to create a strong brand identity.

The posters on a teaser trailer normally have the date of release on the bottom of the credits in a bold so that it stands out but not so much that it draws away from the fact of the main image which is meant to stick in the audiences head.