Thursday 14 October 2010

Questionnaire Analysis

As a group we collectively got together to analyse are finding from the questionnaire as this will help to create my web page and poster as well as helping the group to create our Teaser trailer....

Question 1). Most of the respondents were females as normal romance films target females we did ask a small majority of males to see if they would be interested in watching a romance films and to see if we could change anything to interest them.

Question 2). The main audience that we asked were between 15 - 20 as that is our target audience but we asked a small majority to fill in the questionnaire to see what they thought about the teaser trailer

Question 3). The majority answered as comedy being their favourite genre of film with romance coming in second, after a meeting we have chosen to do a romance movie as we do not feel that we would be able to create a comedy and we feel a romance would show our skills to the best of our ability.

Question 4). The answer that came out the most was that people go to the cinema once a month which means that people will be very specific to what they watch and the trailer will have to be powerful to gain a large audience.

Question 5). The audience answered mainly that they would like to watch the film after watching the synopsis which enables us to further our studies into our film and to start creating our story board.

Question 6). Although there were some suggestions to change to plot line was to add some action into the film we have chosen not to do this as we are limited with the facilities that we can use and we feel it would make the teaser trailer unrealistic.

Question 7). The expected things from a romance film trailer is a distribution and a happy but predictable ending.

Question 8). The colours that people associate with romance movies are Red, White Pink and Black which red co notates Passion and love as contrasted with the white which is a neutral colour and pink is also associated with love and black co notates danger and death which sometimes takes a part in romance film to make the audience feel emotion.

Question9). The majority stated that the did not visit film websites so our group will have to find a way to get people drawn to my website

Question 10). The main responses were that going on film websites did not interest them

Question 11). People stated that they would like Trailer,Galleries, Cast, About the film and Games on the films website

Question 12). People haven't found anything interesting that we can use because they haven't been on websites because they didn't know they exist we need to advertise more. We plan on doing this by making sure the URL of the website is on the trailer making it a dominant features so that people can watch the trailer.

Question 13).The audience stated that it didn't matter if a large production company or a independent company. Which has helped us come to the decision that we would like to come to the conclusion that we are going to use a independent company as if gives us a chance to widen are opportunities while filming as films produced by large companies follow a stereo typical conventions. Also the genre of film means that we don't have to have a large budget which would mean that an independent company would be able to afford it as there are no special effects are needed and that it doesn't matter if there are not as well known actors because the audience concentrate on the story line instead of the characters.

Question 14). People want to be made cry through a romance movie, as they want to have a emotional response

Question 15). The main place that people see film trailers is the cinema and TV  which would mean that we would have to get our film trailer on T/V and shown in the cinema.

Question 16).People do not look at reviews of the film before watching a film

Question 17). The main technique to get people to watch a film is through the trailer so many techniques are need to be used to attract the audience.

Question 18).Everyone gave different answers on our name choices so more research is needed to come to a final decision on our film name.

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